Class FunctorELResolver

  extended by javax.el.ELResolver
      extended by beanface.el.functor.FunctorELResolver

public class FunctorELResolver
extends javax.el.ELResolver

This is the ELResolver plugin implementation for the Functor objects. It handles static and dynamic method references, constructor references, and static field references.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.el.ELResolver
Constructor Summary
          Construct a resolver with the FunctorIdentification either provided by the FacesContext (if available) or having the default values.
FunctorELResolver(FunctorIdentification functorIdent)
          Construct a resolver with the specified configuration.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Class<?> getCommonPropertyType(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base)
          If the base object is not null, returns the most general type that this resolver accepts for the property argument.
 java.util.Iterator<java.beans.FeatureDescriptor> getFeatureDescriptors(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base)
          If the base object is not null, returns an Iterator containing the set of JavaBeans properties available on the given object.
 java.lang.Class<?> getType(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base, java.lang.Object property)
          If the base object is not null, returns the most general acceptable type that can be set on this bean property.
 java.lang.Object getValue(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base, java.lang.Object property)
          If the base object is not null, returns the current value of the given property on this bean.
 boolean isReadOnly(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base, java.lang.Object property)
          If the base object is not null, returns whether a call to setValue(javax.el.ELContext, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) will always fail.
 void setValue(javax.el.ELContext context, java.lang.Object base, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object val)
          If the base object is not null, attempts to set the value of the given property on this bean.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FunctorELResolver()
Construct a resolver with the FunctorIdentification either provided by the FacesContext (if available) or having the default values.


public FunctorELResolver(FunctorIdentification functorIdent)
Construct a resolver with the specified configuration.

functorIdent - Configures how the functor references are identified.
Method Detail


public java.lang.Class<?> getType(javax.el.ELContext context,
                                  java.lang.Object base,
                                  java.lang.Object property)
If the base object is not null, returns the most general acceptable type that can be set on this bean property.

If the base is not null, the propertyResolved property of the ELContext object must be set to true by this resolver, before returning. If this property is not true after this method is called, the caller should ignore the return value.

The provided property will first be coerced to a String. If there is a BeanInfoProperty for this property and there were no errors retrieving it, the propertyType of the propertyDescriptor is returned. Otherwise, a PropertyNotFoundException is thrown.

Specified by:
getType in class javax.el.ELResolver
context - The context of this evaluation.
base - The bean to analyze.
property - The name of the property to analyze. Will be coerced to a String.
If the propertyResolved property of ELContext was set to true, then the most general acceptable type; otherwise undefined.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException - if base is not null and the specified property does not exist or is not readable.
javax.el.ELException - if an exception was thrown while performing the property or variable resolution. The thrown exception must be included as the cause property of this exception, if available.


public java.lang.Object getValue(javax.el.ELContext context,
                                 java.lang.Object base,
                                 java.lang.Object property)
If the base object is not null, returns the current value of the given property on this bean.

If the base is not null, the propertyResolved property of the ELContext object must be set to true by this resolver, before returning. If this property is not true after this method is called, the caller should ignore the return value.

The provided property name will first be coerced to a String. If the property is a readable property of the base object, as per the JavaBeans specification, then return the result of the getter call. If the getter throws an exception, it is propagated to the caller. If the property is not found or is not readable, a PropertyNotFoundException is thrown.

Specified by:
getValue in class javax.el.ELResolver
context - The context of this evaluation.
base - The bean on which to get the property.
property - The name of the property to get. Will be coerced to a String.
If the propertyResolved property of ELContext was set to true, then the value of the given property. Otherwise, undefined.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null.
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException - if base is not null and the specified property does not exist or is not readable.
javax.el.ELException - if an exception was thrown while performing the property or variable resolution. The thrown exception must be included as the cause property of this exception, if available.


public void setValue(javax.el.ELContext context,
                     java.lang.Object base,
                     java.lang.Object property,
                     java.lang.Object val)
If the base object is not null, attempts to set the value of the given property on this bean.

If the base is not null, the propertyResolved property of the ELContext object must be set to true by this resolver, before returning. If this property is not true after this method is called, the caller can safely assume no value was set.

If this resolver was constructed in read-only mode, this method will always throw PropertyNotWritableException.

The provided property name will first be coerced to a String. If property is a writable property of base (as per the JavaBeans Specification), the setter method is called (passing value). If the property exists but does not have a setter, then a PropertyNotFoundException is thrown. If the property does not exist, a PropertyNotFoundException is thrown.

Specified by:
setValue in class javax.el.ELResolver
context - The context of this evaluation.
base - The bean on which to set the property.
property - The name of the property to set. Will be coerced to a String.
val - The value to be associated with the specified key.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null.
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException - if base is not null and the specified property does not exist.
javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException - if this resolver was constructed in read-only mode, or if there is no setter for the property.
javax.el.ELException - if an exception was thrown while performing the property or variable resolution. The thrown exception must be included as the cause property of this exception, if available.


public boolean isReadOnly(javax.el.ELContext context,
                          java.lang.Object base,
                          java.lang.Object property)
If the base object is not null, returns whether a call to setValue(javax.el.ELContext, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) will always fail.

If the base is not null, the propertyResolved property of the ELContext object must be set to true by this resolver, before returning. If this property is not true after this method is called, the caller can safely assume no value was set.

If this resolver was constructed in read-only mode, this method will always return true.

The provided property name will first be coerced to a String. If property is a writable property of base, false is returned. If the property is found but is not writable, true is returned. If the property is not found, a PropertyNotFoundException is thrown.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in class javax.el.ELResolver
context - The context of this evaluation.
base - The bean to analyze.
property - The name of the property to analyzed. Will be coerced to a String.
If the propertyResolved property of ELContext was set to true, then true if calling the setValue method will always fail or false if it is possible that such a call may succeed; otherwise undefined.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException - if base is not null and the specified property does not exist.
javax.el.ELException - if an exception was thrown while performing the property or variable resolution. The thrown exception must be included as the cause property of this exception, if available.


public java.util.Iterator<java.beans.FeatureDescriptor> getFeatureDescriptors(javax.el.ELContext context,
                                                                              java.lang.Object base)
If the base object is not null, returns an Iterator containing the set of JavaBeans properties available on the given object. Otherwise, returns null.

The Iterator returned must contain zero or more instances of FeatureDescriptor. Each info object contains information about a property in the bean, as obtained by calling the BeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors method. The FeatureDescriptor is initialized using the same fields as are present in the PropertyDescriptor, with the additional required named attributes "type" and "resolvableAtDesignTime" set as follows:

  • ELResolver.TYPE - The runtime type of the property, from PropertyDescriptor.getPropertyType().
  • Specified by:
    getFeatureDescriptors in class javax.el.ELResolver
    context - The context of this evaluation.
    base - The bean to analyze.
    An Iterator containing zero or more FeatureDescriptor objects, each representing a property on this bean, or null if the base object is null.


    public java.lang.Class<?> getCommonPropertyType(javax.el.ELContext context,
                                                    java.lang.Object base)
    If the base object is not null, returns the most general type that this resolver accepts for the property argument. Otherwise, returns null.

    Assuming the base is not null, this method will always return Object.class. This is because any object is accepted as a key and is coerced into a string.

    Specified by:
    getCommonPropertyType in class javax.el.ELResolver
    context - The context of this evaluation.
    base - The bean to analyze.
    null if base is null; otherwise Object.class.